3 Mobile Apps That Are Making Caring for Seniors Easier

Technology touches every part of our lives. It’s hard to imagine a world where we don’t have instant access to all of the information we need to live, do our jobs, and even care for our families. Mobile apps are continuing to pop up all over the world in many industries, including senior care. In fact, the introduction of app technology into a traditional field like senior care has made a tremendous impact on a caregiver’s ability to do their job. Not only does being connected help seniors and caregivers work together, but this type of technology helps families, friends, and other loved ones stay on top of the care seniors are receiving. We’ve rounded up three mobile apps that are making it easier to care for seniors, and we’ll examine how each one is making its own unique impact on the senior care industry.


CareZone provides a one-stop shop for information related to medication, dosing schedules, historical data related to a senior’s health, and more. Caregivers benefit from using this app because it allows them to see everything at a glance. Rather than shift between schedules, journals, or other apps for vital information, caregivers can call up trends in health, medication adjustments, and even organize health information related to Medicaid and more. In addition to all of these great storage features, CareZone allows caregivers to schedule appointments, maintain and track appointments, and make to-do lists related to senior care. This is a great tool for caregivers who work with multiple seniors, so there’s no mistaking information or files. The app offers a secure connection and server that protects information. CareZone is available for both Android and Apple products for free.

iPharmacy Pro

Seniors often have to take many medications on a daily, or even hourly basis. Depending On the state of their health, some seniors can take up to 20 or 30 pills per day. This can spell disaster for seniors who need to keep track of all that medication and dosing schedules. While there are some things that can be done at the pharmacy level to help reduce the risk of overdose, dosing, and scheduling, such as pre-filled pill packs, mobile apps, such as iPharmacy Pro can add an extra layer of protection and attention to the important aspects related to dosing. For less than $1USD, iPharmacy Pro can help caregivers track prescriptions, find up-to-date information about medications, identify potential drug interactions, and find valuable resources related to medical conditions, drugs, and more. You’ll find a list of signs and symptoms, allergic reactions, risks and reasons to contact medical professionals. It’s an easy-to-use app that is available for both Apple and Android products.


Sometimes more than one caregiver is needed to provide care and companionship to seniors. CaringBridge closes the communication gap between multiple caregivers and makes sharing information and updates easier for everyone involved in the life of a senior. This mobile app allows caregivers, as well as family members, to gather current information related to the senior in their lives. Information such as medication changes, stages of health, appointments, and struggles can all be documented in the app and shared amongst approved parties. This is a great product for large families with members spread out around the country, and it helps people to feel involved in the caregiving process even when they can’t be physically present. CaringBridge is a tool that can be used to manage responsibilities amongst caregivers and family members as well. It’s available for both Android and Apple products, and it’s absolutely free to use. The simple navigation system and user experience mean that anyone can pick this app up and start using it today.

When it comes to improving the lives of seniors, technology is really stepping up its game. There’s no shortage of opportunity to make the life of a senior citizen better, and these are just three examples of how technology is playing a role in this growing industry. The population isn’t getting any younger, and if we embrace how technology can keep us connected and help us organize care for our aging population, we’ll all be able to play an important role in how our seniors are treated, cared for, and loved.

By Kristen Heller

Kristen is a passionate writer, teacher, and mother to a wonderful son. When free time presents itself, you can find her tackling her lifelong goal of learning the piano.

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