Sandor’s Story

Fresh air, great food and brisk walks around the promenade deck! I was recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, but that didn’t stop my wife, Megan, and I from taking a seven- day Alaskan cruise. Megan found out right away that traveling with diabetes would not be a problem. We were able to make special arrangements for à la carte meals, ensuring that mine were specially prepared. The ship’s nurse gave me a booklet of diabetes recommended foods, indicating what I should steer clear of on the buffet table. She also had samples of my medications and kept a store of insulin in case of an emergency. We were impressed! This was all pre-arranged and discussed by the cruise representative, even before we’d confirmed the booking.

I was sure to wear my MedicAlert bracelet, brought the necessary documentation for my medication, purchased extra health insurance, and took a travel blood test kit so that Megan could constantly be reassured that my sugar levels weren’t out to sea! Lastly, for walks on the deck and onshore, I took a pair of proper walking shoes at the recommendation of my doctor. No diabetic foot problems, such as blisters, calluses and ulcers, were going to ruin our trip. We had a wonderful cruise and can’t wait to plan our next Diabetes- friendly vacation.

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