Grandpa’s Story: Dancing king

I’ve taken ballet since I was a little kid and nobody was a bigger supporter than my grandpa. He used to take me to my lessons and he was always front and centre at my rehearsals, cheering me on. We even went to see The Nutcracker together when I was eight years old. When he retired from teaching at the age of 76 he found a great hobby that he was really passionate about-dancing!

It all started when grandpa took a beginner ballroom dance class at a nearby dance school. Now, at 83, he’s going to star in his first big performance. He practises at home every day and takes lessons three times a week; the stretches and routines keep him in great shape. His friends give him some good-natured teasing and he always nags them to turn off their televisions and put on some tap shoes! He’s happy to tell anyone who will listen about the strength you need to dance. When his show opens next week I’ll be in the front row, showing my grandpa the love and support he always showed me.

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