The Scoop: Health Tips

Fire safety 101

Make sure your smoke alarms work properly. Test alarms monthly and change batteries every six months. If you can’t think of the last time you installed a smoke alarm, chances are it’s time to replace it. Installing new alarms ensures you are protected with the most advanced smoke-sensing technologies and long-life batteries.

  • Prepare for a quick exit. Folding ladders can be easily stored near a window or under a bed in case of a fire. Find one that’s easy to set up and is strong enough to help both children and adults quickly exit to safety.
  • Protect important belongings in a waterproof, fire-resistant safe and keep copies of important items off-site.
  • Safeguard against carbon monoxide poisoning. While many homeowners know the importance of protecting their home from the threats of smoke and fire, many don’t equip their home with alarms to safeguard against carbon monoxide poisoning.


About vitamin pills

Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are essential for good health and can help us to combat cancer and other diseases—but don’t plan on getting them in pill form. The research conducted to date has shown little to no cancer-fighting benefits from taking mineral, vitamin and other dietary supplements.

A few trials have shown a slight benefit of certain nutritional combinations in helping to prevent prostate cancer. But until further research proves otherwise, there is not enough evidence to justify spending money on supplements. In fact, there is evidence that dietary supplements can do more harm than good—as in the case of beta carotene, which has been shown to increase the risk of lung cancer in some people.

Instead, reduce your risk of cancer by focusing on evidence-based nutrition strategies: Eating at least five servings/2.5 cups of fruit and vegetables a day, getting adequate fibre, and limiting red and processed meats. Ready to get started? Skip the drug store and stock up in the produce aisle of the grocery store or at your local farmers’ market!


Did you know?  

Q: If a business was certified as accessible, how would it impact your dealings with the business?

A: 21% said would give the company more business.


A Tip from body builders

According to researchers at McMaster University, who were looking for a way to fight sarcopenia (loss of skeletal muscle mass), drinking a whey-based shake boosted the physical strength in a group of men older than 70 years.

The results were noticeable after the shakes alone were ingested, and got better when combined with exercise. The team also pointed out the value of exercise for muscle health and improving strength.


Do long-term marriages get happier?

While new marriages are often rife with conflict, a study by psychology researchers at UC Berkeley suggests that things change with time. Over the years, humour-friendly teasing, jokes and silliness become more prevalent, while bickering and criticisms decline.

The study’s conclusion contradicts an existing theory that positive emotions fade over time in a long relationship. Criticisms dropped off, habits such as stonewalling stopped, and men demonstrated less anger and women less contempt.


How long can cold germs live?

A lot depends on which virus you’re dealing with. But cold germs can generally survive on items such as the kitchen counter and that doorknob your preschooler just touched after wiping his nose without a tissue. If someone in your house has a cold, clean surfaces with a virus-killing disinfectant.

Colds spread most easily before your symptoms start and during the first two to four days after they begin. You don’t have to hide in a bubble, but try to avoid close contact with others when you’re sick and wash your hands frequently. Cover your mouth with a tissue when you sneeze or cough—or use the crook of your elbow. You don’t usually touch people or objects with your elbow, so you’re less likely to spread germs than if you cover your mouth with your bare hands.


Please take your shoes off

After two weeks of wearing his new shoes, microbiologist Dr. Charles Gerba found a massive amount of bacteria on his soles—including Escherichia coli, which can cause conditions such meningitis, pneumonia and diarrhea.

Dr. Gerba’s findings indicate that his shoes came into frequent contact, albeit unseen, with fecal matter from outside animals or the floor of public toilets.  Hint: Wash shoes thoroughly in detergent upon entry or take them off.


Reading “can help reduce stress”

According to new research by cognitive neuropsychologist Dr. David Lewis reading is the best way to relax:

  • 6 minutes can be enough to reduce stress levels by more than 2/3.
  • Listening to music reduced stress levels by 61%.
  • Having a cup of tea or coffee lowered stress by 54%
  • Taking a walk de-stressed people by 42%


Many thanks to Caregiver Solutions for sharing these articles with our community


Posted by Jordan Kalist

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