Options Open: The Guide for Mapping Your Best Aging Journey

‘Options Open: The Guide for Mapping Your Best Aging Journey’ is a unique, practical and evidence-based road map for leading your own aging experiences. Options Open offers a travel planning approach to broaden your thinking, mitigate preventable risks, and creatively make plans for your future. This guide and the accompanying workshops, offers positive, and informed navigation about using your 60s and 70s to plan your 80s and 90s.   This go-to guide is chock full of ideas and worksheets to help you get ready for your journey – whether traveling solo, with a partner, family, friend or neighbours.

Visit the website: https://optionsopen.org

Buy the book now: https://www.amazon.ca/Options-Open-Guide-Mapping-Journey/dp/1989304370/ref=sr_1_1?crid=18IS9WSVUX9WU&dchild=1&keywords=options+open+the+guide+for+mapping+your+best+aging+journey&qid=1602168513&sprefix=Options+Open+%2Cdigital-text%2C146&sr=8-1


Caregiving Matters is pleased to feature this book on our site.  We are not endorsing it, just giving you the opportunity to know about it and buy it

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