Two DIY courses to learn about some Ontario health laws.

The Ontario based law firm of Lisa Feldstein Law Office PC has created two DIY courses that may be of interest to you.

They are:

  1. Family Caregiver Rights (Mental Health Law 101)

If your mental loved one was recently diagnosed with a mental illness such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, you are likely going to interact with mental health laws. This course provides you with a basic orientation about some of the main laws you may benefit from knowing, and an understanding of the various “forms” under the Mental Health Act.  Price:  $113


  1. Statutory Guardianship in Ontario

This course is for you if you want to learn more about whether your loved one needs a guardian of property, and how you can go about becoming one.

This course is also for you if the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (PGT) is currently acting as guardian of property for your loved one, and you would like to take over as guardian.  Price: $339


To learn more a about these courses, click here:



About The Firm

Lisa Feldstein Law Office Professional Corporation is a health law firm that focuses on serving family members as they interact with the health care system as caregivers, decision-makers and advocates. We call our niche Family Health Law™

Our primary mission is to serve the family – people trying to build families through assisted reproduction, people trying to access care and make decisions for family members, and people trying to manage health-related legal issues that have arisen within their family.

TEXT OR CALL US AT 416-937-8768



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