How Employers Can Support Caregivers

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the already existing caregiving crisis. An increasing number of people, particularly women, are identifying as caregivers: individuals who provide care for an adult or child with special needs. The lack of a caregiving instructure means that this has resulted in significant disruptions in business productivity and career advancement; in fact, for some individuals, caregiving requires them to permanently leave the workforce. In response to this growing issue, TIME’S UP launched the Care Economy Business Council – a coalition with the aim to support caregivers and rebuild the caregiving infrastructure. In this article, TIME’S UP CEO Tina Tchen explains the importance of this coalition, the role businesses can play in supporting their caregiver employees, and how businesses can cooperate with the government to find solutions that will benefit employers and employees alike. For more details, take a look at the article:


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