The ABCs of Preventing Elder Abuse

Caregiving Matters Project The ABCs of Preventing Elder Abuse

Join us to help prevent elder abuse in Canada.

Our three part program builds awareness and educates Canadians about proactively preventing elder abuse. Caregiving Matters is pleased to partner with Programs for 50+ in The Chang School of Continuing Education at Ryerson University for this important work.

Our program offers:

October 17, 2013
How can I stop elder abuse?
Talk about it with your family and friends.

Join us and learn how you can share important information with your friends and family. Our fun, interactive workshop shows participants how easy and important it is to talk about elder abuse.  We will show you how to host conversations that really matter. You will take home valuable resources and strategies to help stop elder abuse.

Download Let’s Talk About Elder Abuse

Sandra_Loucks_Campbell_portraitMeet our workshop instructor:
Sandra Loucks Campbell MSW, PhD

Sandra’s abiding passion through her career has been her interest in improving the lives of older persons. She has worked in health, social services, employment policy, policy, program development, advocacy and professional association environments – all with a strong work focus on helping meet needs of older persons.

She has developed creative programming, elder abuse specialty programs, senior learning and teaching programs, specialized counselling services.

She has responded to changes in government legislation as it has impacted the lives of elders, chaired community, professional and institutional committees and presented in high profile government and press environments on behalf of elders.

Now, having learned and taught essential skills as an instructor in social work and leadership programs in universities, she has founded and renewed her energy in her work with Commonpoint. Here, she applies all she learned earlier to meet her dominant goal – improving the lives of older persons.


To register for this free workshop or for more information, call Mary Bart at 905.939.2931

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