Guilt Trips

Yesterday I had Christmas with my Dad and my grandmother in her seniors home. It was a nice visit but both my Dad and grandmother spent most of the visit nagging me about how I never come to visit my grandmother. I should visit more often, call and bring the kids around more. I heard this for hours. I live about a 45 minute ride from my grandmother, and saw her back in August. I guess I could visit more but I am busy. That does not seem to be as visiting too infrequently. – but they do.

In a couple of days from now, we do the same visit but with my mother-in-law. It will take us about two hours to drive there. In my mind I can hear all the similar nagging on this upcoming visit. I am sure driving home; I will re-play all the negative comments about not visiting, calling etc. You get the picture. I really do not think that it is fair that everyone dumps on me about visiting. What should I do?


Hello Sue:

Life is a gift shaped by choices. Either own your current choices or change them.

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