Living Legacies & Legends

We are thrilled to announce a wonderful program with “The Silver Screens Arts Festival” of the Programs for 50+ at Ryerson Universtiy in Toronto and with the “Toronto Public Library.”

Share a story honouring and celebrating your Mother or Father (or both). Upload your story and 6 pictures to our website section called: Living Legacies & Legends. Each story posted until May 30, 2010 will have a chance to win wonderful prizes. The prizes will a simple draw of all stories posted, (not a skilled contest). You may enter as many stories as you like.

The Siliver Screens Arts Festival Details:

Come have a cup of coffee, bring along a lunch, and hear the inspirational stories of seniors featured on a special website which celebrates and promotes living legacies and legends. In addition, a few members of Recording Recollections will share their stories. These personal reflections by real people whose experiences have spanned decades can enrich, comfort, and inspire us in our own lives. Join us!

Mary Bart, along with a dedicated group of volunteers who shared her experience of losing parents, created a unique website to honor the lives of their parents; celebrate the inspirational stories of those seniors still living; and offer free support and education to people who are coping with the declining health or death of a parent.

Recording Recollections is a group of older adults who meet once a week on the Ryerson campus to share their stories and memories in written form. They have been on the Ryerson campus for over 25 years and produce a magazine of their current stories once a year. This group is part of the LIFE Institute.

Rogers Communication Centre, 80 Gould Street
Tuesday, June 1–Thursday, June 3, 2010
12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.

The Toronto Library Details:

Tuesday June 1, 2010

2:00 – 3:30 pm

Toronto Reference Library

Beeton Auditorium

789 Yonge Street

Toronto, Ontario

(north of Bloor)

A presentation of our website along with particpation from the audience (who will be reading stories of their parents) will make for a great event.

Please join us by sharing a story. Drop by to listen, laugh and share great stories, and great memories.

We hope you enjoy these exciting events.

Even if you cannot attend these events, please add a story to our website. Living Legacies & Legends, honours parents, we hope you join our celebration of their lives.

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