Birds of a feather

My Aunt Betty came to live with me when she found it hard to manage on her own. She had never married because she had been her elderly parents’ caregiver. She was like another mother to me, and my husband and I were happy to help her out.

But after three weeks of us living together, Aunt Betty was not her usual happy self. I asked why and she said she was lonely when I was at work. She found it hard to go out alone and had no friends.

The next day at work, as I discussed this problem, one of my friends mentioned he was moving and couldn’t take his pet canary, Oscar. He asked if I knew anyone who could “adopt” Oscar. I thought of Aunt Betty! Maybe a feathered companion would be a godsend.

I took Oscar home and sure enough, we noticed a change in my aunt. She chatted with the bird and didn’t stop smiling in his presence. She also felt confident enough to join a seniors’ group at her church. Life is easier and Aunt Betty’s loneliness is gone, all thanks to a little green bird.

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