Passport to Wellness for Family Caregivers – Part 1 Recap

Caregiver burnout, protecting yourself as a caregiver, substance abuse awareness, caring for the dying. Pretty heavy topics, right?

These realities are part of being a family caregiver, and Part One of the Passport to Wellness for Family Caregivers Workshop series featured four presentations that discuss the ups and downs of caring for others in an engaging, informative – and often funny – way.

Download Introductory Notes

Caregiver Burn Out: Caring and Not Collapsing

Caroline Tapp-McDougall
Caroline Tapp-McDougall, Editor
Chair of Canada Cares

Caregiver burnout means:

  • Stress, fatigue, social isolation & grief
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Increased risk of ill-health

Prevent burnout with coping methods such as:

  • Humour
  • Proper sleep and rest
  • Asking for help
  • Focusing on what you are able to provide
  • Daily “me time”
  • Being thankful
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How to Protect Yourself

Joan McDonald RN
Joan McDonald RN
CareConnect & The Care Guide

A caregiver is a person who is providing informal and unpaid personal care support/help to another person living with challenges due to a disability, illness, an injury and/or aging. Often this overwhelming experience results in stress, anxiety and fatigue.

As a caregiver, you need to consider the following for those you care for:

  • Needs – level of care required
  • Preferences – wants, desires
  • Support Network – help that family and friends can provide
  • Eligibility for Services (CCAC)
  • Availability – options in the community
  • Finances – affordability

Joan explained how to manage these symptoms, as well as:

  • tips for managing dementia
  • protecting yourself from the physical impact of caregiving (transfers, assistive devices)
  • how to apply for financial assistance and tax credits
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Caring for the Dying

Dr. Natasha Zajc MD
Dr. Natasha Zajc MD, CCFP, ABHPM
Chair – PalCare Network for York Region
  1. “Put your oxygen on first” – Care for your self, so you can care for others
  2. “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst” – Problem-solving to know the who, what, and when
  3. “I don’t know what to say or do” – Guidelines for being with your loved one
  4. “What should I expect to see” – Physical symptoms of the dying
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Substance Abuse Awareness

Victoria Andriets B.Sc Phm. R. Ph
Victoria Andriets B.Sc Phm. R. Ph
Owner/Pharmacist, Shoppers Drug Mart, King City

Approximately 10% of those age 60 or older abuse alcohol; It is estimated that alcohol-medication interactions may be a factor in about 25% of all emergency room visits.

  • žWhat is substance abuse?
  • žHow do I recognize substance abuse in seniors?
  • žWhy are seniors more at risk for interactions?
  • žHow do alcohol-medication interactions occur?
  • žWhat are common interactions?
  • žHow can a pharmacist help?
Download Presentation

Our newest Caregiver Heroes!

Caregiver Heroes

Caregiving Matters recognized eight attendees at the workshop for their dedication to others. You’ll meet our new Caregiver Heroes in the coming weeks.

Do you know a Caregiver Hero? We’re always looking for new Heroes to thank! Nominate a Hero today!

Special thanks to:

Dr. Helena Jaczek, MPP Oak Ridges-Markham
Dr. Helena Jaczek
MPP Oak Ridges-Markham
Kathleen Carr, President of Kingcrafts Studio
Kathleen Carr
President of Kingcrafts Studio
Renato Didone LLB, LLM
Renato Didone LLB, LLM
Master of Ceremonies & Caregiving Matters Board Member

Government of Ontario
And, of course, the Government of Ontario!

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