Alzheimer’s and Long-term Care

Dad is in the late stages of Alzheimer’s and I am unable to care for him by myself anymore. I’ve arranged to move him to a long-term care home, but he doesn’t understand what’s happening and why. Please help.

The decision to move a loved one into a long-term care facility is a difficult one. Remembering that your decision is based on love and compassion is important. When you have decided on the facility you are most comfortable with, start the transition. Get to know the staff and management of the home. Share a meal with your dad in the dining room. Meet some residents and befriend them. The extra care and support you gave to your dad while at home does not have to stop. If you have been using a private caregiver, arrange for him or her to continue visiting your dad at the facility. If you don’t have an existing caregiver then there are many accredited agencies that can provide caregivers based on likes, dislikes and personalities to come out a few times a week to provide companionship and some one-to-one stimulation. Stay involved and keep on top of your dad’s needs. Outside agencies are there to enhance the care he is receiving, and the facility will provide the best care possible. Your dad will adjust much faster than you will.

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