Protecting Yourself

Joan McDonald RN, CareConnect & The Care Guide

A caregiver is a person who is providing informal and unpaid personal care support/help to another person living with challenges due to a disability, illness, an injury and/or aging. Often this overwhelming experience results in stress, anxiety and fatigue.

As a caregiver, you need to consider the following for those you care for:

  • Needs – level of care required
  • Preferences – wants, desires
  • Support Network – help that family and friends can provide
  • Eligibility for Services (CCAC)
  • Availability – options in the community
  • Finances – affordability

Joan explained how to manage these symptoms, as well as:

  • tips for managing dementia
  • protecting yourself from the physical impact of caregiving (transfers, assistive devices)
  • how to apply for financial assistance and tax credits

Joan’s presentation was part of the Passport to Wellness for Family Caregivers workshop on October 21, 2012.

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