<p>As I reached for the telephone to tell the others I’d be arriving late, I felt a bit queasy. I had never felt this way before. My eyes started to fade out and my chest started to hurt. It felt like something was trying to come out of my chest. I called my neighbour, but as soon as I hit the last number, I collapsed. </p>
<p>I awoke after a horrible dream of losing at bingo 10 times in a row, I awoke to find myself in a hospital bed. What had happened? After a few minutes, a doctor came to my room and told me that I had suffered a minor heart attack. He said I’d need to stay in hospital for a few days to rest and that I should forget about my beloved bingo, at least for a little while. </p>
<p>But I had other plans. My friends from the neighbourhood came to cheer me up, and they even brought a portable bingo game. We played for hours while I recovered. But soon my worst nightmare came true. I did lose 10 games in a row. Boy, am I ever unlucky. Or am I? </p>

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