Your Recent Elder Abuse Awareness Workshops

Let the Records Show_finalTo the Caregiving Matters Team:

I wanted to drop a quick note to say about how terrific the June 1st event addressing issues of Elder Abuse was.  The other speakers were so informative – it was all great information.  Thank you for the opportunity to be part of the event and help people become more aware of the many small things they can do to help prevent financial elder abuse happening to them.  Another resource your viewers might be interested in is of course the book I wrote with my brother, a Wills & Estates lawyer, Let the Records Show: A Practical Guide for Power of Attorney & Record Keeping.  Reasonably priced it can be found at and  I invite your readers to visit us at 

Thank you for all your work to raise awareness of care-giving matters so that care-givers can know they are not alone and also be reminded that care-givers do matter!


Linda Alderson, BA, CPA, CA


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