Caregivers come in all sizes and ages!

Recently, Caregiving Matters joined with the Nanny Angel Network to host a special Caregiver Celebration.

During August 2013, we partnered with the Nanny Angel Network combining our efforts to honour and celebrate the lives of their clients (women with cancer and their children) with the amazing gifts from of our “Caregiver Heroes Program”.   It was a wonderful collaborative partnership that included a hot lunch, entertainment for the children and recognition of the children who help care for their mothers and especially to these amazing women dealing with cancer.

Each family was given significant gifts as part of our “Caregiver Heroes Program”.  Many of the kids received toys and new knapsacks for school while the Moms were thrilled with the incredible home furnishings and kitchenware that we gave them.

We look forward to partnering again with the Nanny Angel Network to continue to honour and celebrate their clients with our “Caregiver Heroes Program”.

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