EVELYN’S STORY: A lifetime of love

In 1947, I met my Prince Charming at a Sunday night dance in Toronto. He was a handsome young man of 21 with a nice personality, great smile and green eyes that danced when he talked. He was 21, and I was a very shy 17 year old. 

Until we meet again 

To my surprise he came over and asked me to dance. I was very nervous. The rest of the week, I could only anticipate when I would see him next. The next week, we met again. We danced at the Sunday dances for about three months. 

In September, I turned 18. To celebrate, he took me out to a night- club, where we danced to a live band. Halfway through the evening, the bandleader announced that a certain couple was getting engaged. I was shocked to hear our names called! Norm presented me with a diamond engagement ring, which I still wear proudly on my hand today. 

A change of plans 

Eight years ago, a shadow came into our lives. My handsome prince was becoming confused, disoriented and suspicious. I tookhim to our doctor, who, after running some tests, told me my husband had dementia. I talked to the doctor about my husband’s erratic driving as well, and he thought it was time to take away the keys. My prince was not happy! 

Time well spent 

Three years ago, we moved closer to our family. Shortly after, I had to place the love of my life in a long-term-care facility because I could no longer care for him on a 24-hour basis. Fortunately, I am close enough to his new home so that I can spend three to four hours a day with him. 

During our visits, we tell each other, “I love you.” We hold hands when we go outside for our walk. And we hug and kiss without caring who sees us. We are still very much that young couple of 60 years ago. 

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