HELEN’S STORY: A little extra effort

Caregivers don’t always have to be family members. Take a look at Helen, a busy mom with two children, who takes time to visit Anne, her widowed neighbour.

A few years ago, Anne had a stroke, which affected her mobility. Now, Anne uses a cane to get around. And get around she does. On sunny days, Helen will drive Anne out to a park or to a grocery store or shopping mall for a little bit of exercise. 

Helen also visits Anne a few times a week to makes sure she has all the essentials she needs. “I don’t know what I would do without Helen,” says Anne. “She’s the most caring person I ever met. If only everyone had a neighbour like that!” 

Meanwhile, Helen does not consider herself special. “I enjoy spending time with Helen, she’s really a lot of fun,” she says. “If putting in a just little extra effort makes life that much easier for her, I don’t think it’s any work at all!” 


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