Introducing: The Power of Attorney Project

Podcast Transcription: Introduction

We are pleased to announce a two year technology-based pilot project that brings together a wide variety of experts from various industries and disciplines to educate adult children and seniors about Power of Attorney issues. The project will feature live workshops, webinars, website videos, DVD’s, online forums, podcasts and downloadable tools. New podcasts will be aired on the 1st and 15th of each month on our website.

This project is intended to provide general information only and is not intended to be a substitute for seeking personalized legal, financial or other advice. Our goal is to raise issues for our audience to consider and then further explore on their own, in their own local communities with their own local experts.

Legal, financial and social services experts will share their knowledge and give individuals and families an opportunity to have their questions addressed, increase their understanding and develop skills and strategies to help them deal with some of the complex and difficult issues of aging.

This national, inter-generational, public education project is a “supported call to action” for families to start talking about their Power of Attorney issues and take definable steps towards their own greater peace of mind.

Legal, financial and social services experts will share their knowledge on such topics as:

  • Senior Care, Health and Safety
  • Housing Options
  • Tax Issues / Credits
  • Financial Planning
  • Insurance Options
  • Estate Planning
  • Funeral Planning

The Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program has provided $50,000 in funding for this project. Other initial project supporters are: The Care Guide, Care Connect, The Healing Cycle Foundation and Scotiatrust.

“Caregiving Matters” is an Internet-based registered Canadian charity dedicated to educating and supporting family caregivers. 90% of our work is done on-line and by leveraging technologies, 10% is done by producing local educational events.

For more information, contact: Mary Bart, Chair of Caregiving Matters at or 905-939-2931.

Download full announcement (PDF)

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  1. This looks like a very exciting project that will help many people. I’m looking forward to seeing it. Regarding the podcasts, I don’t see what time they are aired or maybe they are pre-recorded?


  2. Hi Mike:

    Thanks for your interest in our project. The podcasts are aired on our site on the 1st and 15th of each month. You can see the list of planned podcasts through to January 2015. There of course will be many more to follow.
