The 2015 Canada Cares Caregiver Awards

Canada Cares 2015 Awards Canada Cares is launching its third annual Canada Cares Caregiver Awards. The Caregiver Awards increase visibility and awareness of the important role caregivers play in our society as by recognizing outstanding caregivers for their hard work and dedication, and leaders in the community who are supporting and celebrating caregivers in their roles.

Recognition Awards

Again this year, five family caregivers and five professional caregivers from each region of Canada (Western/Northern, Central and Eastern) will be selected to receive a Canada Cares Caregiver Award. Of these, one family and one professional caregiver will chosen as the Canada Cares National Caregivers of the Year. In 2014 over 400 caregivers from coast to coast were nominated for consideration of one of the 11 awards and we look forward to even more nominations this year.

One Wish Award

In addition, one caregiver will be awarded $10,000 to make his family’s caregiving wish come true. This award, sponsored by We Care Home Health Services, is judged on creativity of the wish and the impact that making it come true will have. Last year’s winner, Hugh Finlay, epitomizes the issues caregivers currently – and will increasingly – face. He is an inspiration for other caregivers and those who support them.

Caregiver-Friendly Workplace Award

In recent years, forward thinking workplaces have begun to recognize the value of supporting employees who are caregivers through a variety of grassroots initiatives. Celebrating and sharing best practices in this newly emerging area is key, and therefore, this year we are introducing the Caregiver-Friendly Workplace Award, in partnership with the Canadian Abilities Foundation, to recognize employers in Canada who are leaders this area.

Visit the Canada Cares Award Website for more details and to nominate a caregiver!



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