Do you know a Caregiver Hero?

Do you know a family caregiver who you think is a hero that you would like to nominate to be a “Caregiving Hero?

Family caregivers do many amazing heroic acts. They help with household duties, take people to medical appointments, help with shopping, meals, dressing, hygiene and many more tasks. Family caregivers often have great stress, assume extra financial burdens and may suffer from burnout.

Caregiving Matters believes that the care of the ill by family members and friends is very important and deserves greater recognition and appreciation by our society.

“Caregiver Heroes” is dedicated to appreciating, acknowledging and simply thanking family caregivers for all they do.

To honour caregivers, we post a short story about their caregiving efforts, their picture and only their first name.  We never mention their last name, where they live or any contact information.  Let the caregivers in your life know that they are appreciated and valued. Caregivers are always thrilled to see their story and picture on our site.  Everything we post is respectful and kind.


Ready to nominate a hero?

Please e-mail to nominate a friend or family caregiver who you believe is a hero.

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