Caregivers: how do you use the internet to stay connected to family, friends, and society?

Participants Needed for a Research Study!

Digital Inclusion for Unpaid Caregivers

The purpose of the research study is to better understand how unpaid caregivers use internet-based technologies to promote online social inclusion (engagement of unpaid caregivers in online social communities).

We are looking for individuals who are:

-age 18 or above;

-able to understand and provide consent in English;

-an informal caregiver who is unpaid, such as a family member, friends, or neighbor, who is assisting with an individual’s activities of daily living

Participation is confidential and entails the following:

Answering 4 questions through a one-on-one interview that may take up to 45 minutes to 1 hour


Answering 4 questions through a focus group that may take up to 1 to 1.5 hours


You will receive a $30 Gift Certificate as a thank you for participating.


This study is funded by eCampus Ontario and has been approved by the Ryerson University Research Ethics Board.

Study Principal Investigator: Dalia Hanna, M.Sc., PMP, Program Director, Community Services, The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, PhD Student, Department of Computer Science, Ryerson University



For more details or if interested in participating, please contact Dalia Hanna:



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