The ABC’s of Golf for Women Caregivers – 2013

The ABC’s of Golf for Women Caregivers is a project that encourages women caregivers to take time for themselves by joining other family caregivers in a recreational game of golf.  Thanks to funding from the Ontario Government we are producing a two year project to encourage women caregivers to be more active by learning and enjoying the benefits of the live-long game of recreational golf.

The first phase of the project was held in September 2013 at Cardinal Golf Club in King Township.  With over 70 golfers in attendance the evening was a great success.  The event started with the golf professionals at Cardinal giving group golf literacy clinics.  We learned how to better chip, putt and read the green.  After the clinics we played 9 holes of recreational golf.  We walked, stretched, swung our clubs and thoroughly enjoying being outside and being active.  For many participants, this was their first time playing golf.  After golf, we gathered for a reception where we celebrated our golfing experiences and shared our caregiving stories.  All of those who shared their caregiving stories received gifts as part of our Caregiver Heroes Program.

The survey responses from the golfers proved that the evening was a great success.  Caregivers acknowledged that being physically active is important to their life balance and most (even those who played golf for the first time in their lives that evening) agreed to come back out again to give golf another “swing”.

Please take a moment to view the picture gallery of the golfers and watch the golf literacy videos, they just may get you thinking about getting out and enjoying the recreational game of golf.

ABCs of Golf for Women Family Caregivers – Golf Mental Game

ABCs of Golf for Women Family Caregivers – Alignment

ABCs of Golf for Women Family Caregivers – Up & Down Hill Play

ABCs of Golf for Women Family Caregivers – Partial Shots

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