Announcing: The ABCs of caregiving to seniors workshop.

There are a wide-variety of issues well beyond the actual giving of care that families need to address. We are producing a project that is funded by the Ontario Government that helps families deal with many of these complex and complicated issues.  As part of our project, we are producing a full day of FREE workshops in King, City Ontario.  Here are the details:

Date:  Saturday October 13, 2018

Time:  9:45 am – 2:45 pm


Topics will include

-Legal issues

-Financial issues

-Funding care

-Crisis management

-Care for the caregiver



King City Seniors’ Centre

30 Fisher St, King City, ON L7B 1G3


Agenda and parking details:


Questions or to RSVP:  Mary Bart 905 939 2931

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  1. I would like to know if caregiving matters workshop is held in Scarborough or Don Mills area so that we can attend at some point.
    I live in the Scarborough area and am interested but King City is too far to attend.

    1. I understand that it is hard for people to all come from different areas to one location. We did video tape all the speakers and those will be on our site by December 2018.
      So, even though you did not attend the live event, you will be able to watch the videos on your computer once we post them. Thank you.

  2. Wonderful to see your ABC’s of caregivng
    program. Too close to chg my Sat. appointments. Will you have continuing worships available?

    1. Thank you for your interest in our project. We plan to have the videos of the workshop speakers on our site by December 2018.
      From time to time we offer a variety of workshop on a wide-range of topics. At this point, nothing new is planned.