Assets and Debts

Lawyer Cynthia Hiebert-Simkin

Lawyer Cynthia Hiebert-Simkin of Winnipeg, MB joins our project to look at some of the issues of assets and debts when dealing with estates.  During her extensive career, she has helped many families deal with these complicated issues.  Included in our podcast, we discuss the following questions:


  1. Is there anything that you would like us to know as we begin this conversation?
  2. Why does my lawyer ask for so much information about my assets and debts?
  3. What are the assets of my estate?
  4. What are the debts of my estate?
  5. What if I’ve given somebody something in my will – do I still get to use it as I want during my lifetime?
  6. Is it a good idea to add my son or daughter as joint owners of my accounts or house?
  7. What are probate fees and do I have to worry about planning to avoid paying them?
  8. What if my son or daughter dies before me?  Does their share go to their spouse or common-law partner?
  9. Can a beneficiary of the estate also be the executor in my will or act as my attorney under the power of attorney?

We strongly encourage you to listen to this podcast and either contact Cynthia directly or a lawyer in your area to discuss your estate plans.


Thank you Cynthia for joining our project.




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