How to Find the Right Senior Housing Community

Here are three ideas to keep in mind.

Read How to Find the Right Senior Housing Community

Elderly patient discharged to empty house not a ‘one-off’ case

Hospital system too uncoordinated to deal with influx of seniors.

Read Elderly patient discharged to empty house not a ‘one-off’ case

Revocation of a Power of Attorney

Ensure a power of attorney document contains an explicit revocation clause to avoid confusion.

Read Revocation of a Power of Attorney

Christmas Miracle for Two PEI Seniors

They thought they might have a few 100 cards arrive … but they never expected over 17,000 cards to arrive from all over the planet!

Read Christmas Miracle for Two PEI Seniors

Final Days, Finest Hours: What Lawyers and Doctors Can’t Do at Life’s End with Mark Handelman

Mark Handelman discusses the murky territory of capacity, the legal definition of death, and choosing the right power of attorney.

Read Final Days, Finest Hours: What Lawyers and Doctors Can’t Do at Life’s End with Mark Handelman

Great Gifts for Dementia Patients and Their Caregivers

One of the best gifts is that of time.

Read Great Gifts for Dementia Patients and Their Caregivers

How to Run the “Family Bank”

Family can make life richer—unless, of course, it makes you poorer.

Read How to Run the “Family Bank”

Seniors and youth fight ageism through film project

Video project aims to overcome stereotypes about older Canadians

Read Seniors and youth fight ageism through film project

Chronicles of Caregiving: It’s Complicated!

As caregivers we set impossibly high standards for ourselves.

Read Chronicles of Caregiving: It’s Complicated!

Are you betting on an inheritance to solve your money problems?

We’ve become a nation of waiters.

Read Are you betting on an inheritance to solve your money problems?