Seniors and social media: more than keeping up with the grandkids

CBC: Online communication can have health benefits for older Canadians

Read Seniors and social media: more than keeping up with the grandkids

Role Reversal

As our parents age, many of us find ourselves in the difficult position of parenting our parents, and the challenge is to do so while always respecting their dignity, remaining sensitive to their abilities and understanding their need for control

Read Role Reversal

Caregiver Burn Out: Caring and Not Collapsing

Caroline Tapp-McDougall, Editor, Chair of Canada Cares discusses Caregiver Burnout – what it is, how to recognize it, and how to cope.

Read Caregiver Burn Out: Caring and Not Collapsing

For seniors, losing driver’s licence like having ‘arm cut off’

CBC: Next to young male drivers, people aged 70 or older have highest accident rate

Read For seniors, losing driver’s licence like having ‘arm cut off’

When men care

How many male caregivers do you know? Are they husbands, sons, extended family or friends? Are they caregivers to the elderly or to those with cancer, multiple sclerosis, dementia or AIDS?

Read When men care

End of Life Decisions: What Do Lawyers Owe Their Clients?

In an era of near daily stunning advances in medicine, what constitutes the “heroic measures” so many people say they do not want?

Read End of Life Decisions: What Do Lawyers Owe Their Clients?

“I’ve got my walker…now what?”

With the thought and effort that goes into selecting a piece of equipment, it is shocking to learn that approximately 30 per cent of prescribed devices are abandoned by users.

Read “I’ve got my walker…now what?”

Gay seniors struggling to find ‘safe’ retirement housing

‘In the three years I’ve been here, I’ve been more open than I ever was in my life.’—Alf Roberts, Fudger House resident

Read Gay seniors struggling to find ‘safe’ retirement housing


In 2011, 1.4 million Canadians received home care, a 55 percent increase from 2008.


10 ways to simplify caregiving

Most of life’s big changes come with some degree of anxiety as we enter uncharted waters. Becoming a caregiver to an aged parent shares many of these traits: a sense of accomplishment, greater intimacy and inner growth, as well as challenges and fears.

Read 10 ways to simplify caregiving