When worry becomes a concern: Tips for helping seniors cope with anxiety
Many older adults experience sudden and serious life changes, which are often a source of anxiety.
Read When worry becomes a concern: Tips for helping seniors cope with anxiety
Introducing Caregiver Classifieds
Are you looking to buy or sell gently used items often used by seniors?
When will an Estate Trustee be ordered to pay punitive damages?
Although the plaintiffs sought $50,000 in punitive damages, the judge instead awarded $100,000.
Read When will an Estate Trustee be ordered to pay punitive damages?
Home Safety: Easy Steps to Winterizing a Senior’s Home
For older adults who live in northern climates, winter can be a harsh time that presents multiple challenges.
Caring for the Caregiver: Appreciating the Moment
Our caring is not just what we do; it is a vital piece of who we are and what makes our time here on earth meaningful.
Invisible caregivers: 12 per cent of youth provide primary care for a family member, UBC study finds
“If we could be granted only one thing, I would say it would have to be recognition.”
Avoiding caregiver burnout
According to the Canadian Caregiver Coalition, around four to five million people in Canada care for a chronically ill, disabled or elderly family member. For many, this is in addition to raising kids and holding down a full-time job.
Man, 91, dies after left unchecked in home
Bonaldi had not appeared for meals in the dining room of the seniors’ home for about four days in November, but none of the staff checked in on him.
Ivanka trumps rivals in passing of accounts
The recent Superior Court decision of Ekelschot-Kumelj v. Bradley illustrates where a request for an attorney for property to pass accounts was denied. Edwards J. held that an attorney for property does not have to account if she never exercised her power as attorney.
Recession-proof eldercare: Is your approach to eldercare costs savvy or silly?
People think they are being financially conscientious by avoiding unnecessary costs, saving money and proving that they’re in perfect charge of their finances. But, as Dr. Phil would say, “How’s that working for you?” When is recession-smart actually risk-silly?
Read Recession-proof eldercare: Is your approach to eldercare costs savvy or silly?