Substance Abuse Awareness

Victoria Andriets B.Sc Phm. R. Ph, Owner & Pharmacist, Shoppers Drug Mart, King City Approximately 10% of those age 60 or older abuse alcohol; It is estimated that alcohol-medication interactions may be a factor in about 25% of all emergency room visits. žWhat is substance abuse? žHow do I recognize substance abuse in seniors? žWhy…

Read Substance Abuse Awareness

End of Life Decisions and the Law – A Prelude to the Supreme Court of Canada’s Hearing of the Rasouli Appeal

Beyond the obvious importance of the case to the Rasouli family, it will be interesting to gauge the impact of the decision in the context of public policy.

Read End of Life Decisions and the Law – A Prelude to the Supreme Court of Canada’s Hearing of the Rasouli Appeal

Caring for the Caregiver: Appreciating the Moment.

Caregivers tend to wait to be happy until something is fixed.

Read Caring for the Caregiver: Appreciating the Moment.

Common conditions of the elderly

The health of our elders is often the effect of multiple, conflicting diagnoses and may be hard to confirm. For instance, the complications of Alzheimer’s disease, such as eating disorders, constipation and malnutrition, are frequent.

Read Common conditions of the elderly

Canada Cares

Canada Cares is a not-for-profit organization. Join our celebrations! Say thank-you, post a memory note or share your story with us. Post a funny video or a cute picture, and you can enter to win one of our fabulous prizes.

Read Canada Cares

Foot care: Taking care of your feet

From the time we are young until our life journey ends, our feet carry us each and every day, wherever we go. Taking good care of our feet is essential in order to have healthy feet when we reach our elder years.

Read Foot care: Taking care of your feet

It’s made of WHAT? Figuring out Canadian nutrition labels

Most people recognize the importance of understanding what’s in their food, but accurately reading nutrition labels can be frustrating. This article will help you breeze through the grocery aisles armed with a keen eye and an increased ability to take control of your diet.

Read It’s made of WHAT? Figuring out Canadian nutrition labels

A wife wants her husband kept alive at all costs.

The leading cause of the clashes: decisions over removing or withdrawing treatment.

Read A wife wants her husband kept alive at all costs.

Caring for the Caregiver: Staying True To Your Authentic Nature

If only we could understand that we are not meant to go it alone or have all the answers.

Read Caring for the Caregiver: Staying True To Your Authentic Nature

Does Grandpa need help controlling the purse strings?

An elderly relative insists on managing his money, but you suspect he’s losing his ability to handle that.

Read Does Grandpa need help controlling the purse strings?