Abby’s Story: My daughter’s angel

When my daughter, Abigail, was five, she was diagnosed with leukemia. Abby was scared and we tried our best to explain to her why she was sick, but it was a difficult time for our family.

Read Abby’s Story: My daughter’s angel

Talking about smells

Lately, when I visit my father, I notice he smells odd. I also notice he’s not changing his clothes, and I wonder if he might be wetting himself. How can I broach the subject?

Read Talking about smells

Bert’s Story: SuperWalk for Parkinson’s

Callum hadn’t yet been born when his grandfather, Wilbert, began showing signs of Parkinson’s disease. It wasn’t until the family returned to Canada from Australia that that the youngster began developing a relationship with Grandpa Bert.

Read Bert’s Story: SuperWalk for Parkinson’s

Fighting and yelling … what to do?

Over the past six months, my 75-year-old mother has recently begun yelling at me, and we often get into verbal fights. What’s the problem?

Read Fighting and yelling … what to do?

Delia’s Story: My Glamorous Grandma

My Grandma Delia always seemed so fascinating to me. She had sparkling brown eyes and a charming laugh. She lived in a huge old house in Chatham, Ontario, and always dressed in pretty skirts and wore jewellery, no matter the occasion.

Read Delia’s Story: My Glamorous Grandma

Exercise and osteoporosis

My mom was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis. Is it safe for her to exercise?

Read Exercise and osteoporosis

Grandpa’s Story: Dancing king

I’ve taken ballet since I was a little kid and nobody was a bigger supporter than my grandpa. He used to take me to my lessons and he was always front and centre at my rehearsals, cheering me on.

Read Grandpa’s Story: Dancing king

How do I deal with incontinence?

My father has recently been soiling himself in his bed. How can I get the smell out and prevent future accidents?

Read How do I deal with incontinence?

I’m Still Here

Hello, I’m still here! But this time here means I am home! And I will be here for almost three months!

Read I’m Still Here

George’s Story: A box of memories

My husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease a few years ago.

Read George’s Story: A box of memories