Seated: L/ R Anne, Helen
Anne is a fun loving, full time, dedicated caregiver to her Mom, Helen, who has had a heart attack and a stroke. Before moving in with her Mother, Anne lived in Calgary for 32 years, raised her daughter, a registered nurse now living in Vancouver. Anne willing oversees all aspects of Helen’s care and is supported by her sister Michelle. As “back-up caregiver” Michelle is equally skilled and loving.
Helen has lived a very interesting life. She became a registered nurse in 1959 in Montreal and then moved to Ontario where she worked until she was 70 years old at a major suburban hospital. Helen and her late husband John were married for 50 years until his death in 2004. Family is important to Helen. She was one of 9 children in her family and her husband John was one of 11 kids in his family. “Families take care of families” Helen told us. This respect and passionate to care and to help others is clearly passed down to Anne and Michelle.
We had a great afternoon together of visiting, enjoying stories, laughing and indulging in yummy butter tarts. By the end of our visit, Anne had selected an incredible linen upholstered office chair that is outlined with antique bronze nail heads, Michelle liked a wool mat and Helen thought that new white towels and white pillow cases would be just perfect.
Thanks goes to Andrea, a long time friend for nominating these two “Caregiver Heroes”.