Sarah, 14, and Hussain, 15, are Caregiver Heroes. They unconditionally offer their love and support to help care for their mother Sakina. For over 12 years Sakina has needed help to maintain her quality of life. Sakina shared with us that she has a degenerative muscular disorder that now requires her to use a ventilator to breathe and is mobile thanks to her wheelchair.
Sarah and Hussain are quiet, humble and very modest about their daily heroics efforts to help their Mom. They help Sakina to get dressed, help with feeding her, help with her general hygiene needs and then at the end of the day, help Sakina to get ready for bed.
“It’s the smallest things that sometimes mean the most to me,” said Sakina, “even rolling me over in bed is a huge help and they willing do everything to make my life more pleasant. I am truly blessed and thankful every day for such wonderful kids.“
Many years ago when the breathing tube in Sakina’s throat came dislodged, Sarah cleaned the blockage herself and re-inserted the breathing tube back into Sakina’s throat. This pure act of love and bravery saved Sakina’s life. Both young caregivers have been recognized and received EMS awards from their city.
Our volunteer was truly amazed at this wonderful loving family and especially these two caregivers. Their maturity, impeccable social skills and manners and, of course, their true love for their Mother were clearly evident. As Caregiver Heroes, we gave Sarah a striped rug for her bedroom, Hussain received a woven/braided rug for his bedroom and Sakina decided that she would like an aqua throw for her legs.
We hope you agree that Sarah and Hussain are indeed Caregiver Heroes! We think that they are just incredible!