‘I was in shock’: Police probe Ottawa nursing home after elderly woman found with maggots in wound

How’s the quality of care in Canadian long-term-care facilities?

Read ‘I was in shock’: Police probe Ottawa nursing home after elderly woman found with maggots in wound

Caregiving Getting You Down? May Sound Crazy, But Would Grieving Help?

There are many situational losses that people experience and grieve that are not death-related.

Read Caregiving Getting You Down? May Sound Crazy, But Would Grieving Help?

Unpaid caregivers deserve better tax break, retirees’ group CARP says

The support available to unpaid caregivers in Canada is not good enough, but better tax breaks would help, says Wanda Morris, vice president of advocacy for the Canadian Association of Retired Persons.

Read Unpaid caregivers deserve better tax break, retirees’ group CARP says

Chilling Ad Underscores the Insanity of Caregiving Robots

To address the burgeoning “loneliness epidemic” and the demands of an aging population, some think that we should deploy robotic caregivers. A new ad titled “B.E.N. (Biologically Engineered Nursing),” however, suggests that this is a dreadful idea.

Read Chilling Ad Underscores the Insanity of Caregiving Robots

Former Woodstock, Ont., nurse facing 8 murder charges in deaths of elderly clients.

Police have charged Wettlaufer with murder alleging she killed eight nursing home residents.

Read Former Woodstock, Ont., nurse facing 8 murder charges in deaths of elderly clients.

6 Very Good Reasons Why Family Caregivers Need A Union

They are an unprotected (free) workforce and the nation could show a little more gratitude.

Read 6 Very Good Reasons Why Family Caregivers Need A Union

Seeking male caregivers to interview.

Know any male caregivers I can interview for an article?

Read Seeking male caregivers to interview.


One of the most complex and perplexing conditions that I have seen in those 65 and older is delirium.


Older Caregivers Cafés’ Hot Topics and Cool Recaps

Hundreds of caregivers with a latte on their minds joined Caregiving Matters and the courteous staff of the Toronto Public Library for Older Caregivers Cafés, a three-day series of workshops.

Read Older Caregivers Cafés’ Hot Topics and Cool Recaps

Caregivers, Arm Yourselves with First Aid & CPR Training

Knowing how to perform CPR properly is a vital skill, especially for caregivers.

Read Caregivers, Arm Yourselves with First Aid & CPR Training