Medication and alcohol: A cocktail for disaster
So what is the concern with mixing a natural product, alcohol that is in essence a drug, and medicines?
Having The Last Word
The SOB you may recall is not to be remembered that way and instead, leadership qualities that you may never have known existed, are highlighted.
Powers of Attorney for Property and Personal Care
Elaine Blades, Director Fiduciary Products and Services at Scotiatrust, discusses Powers of Attorney for Property and Personal Care.
Selfish, greedy and unloving.
Mom’s assisted living home is costing a lot and my sister wants to move her to save money.
Avoiding negative financial repercussions
Patrice helps us navigate the land mines of financial POA issues.
Seniors going bankrupt in soaring numbers.
Judy Southon with her husband, Vic. Southon, 67, fell deep into debt after Vic developed dementia and could no longer work. He died in 2011. (Judy Southon)
Caregivers Have the Secret to a Long and Happy Life
Danish society puts their elements of happiness together with caregiver longevity.
Powers of Attorney for Property: The Basics.
Kimberly Whaley and Heather Hogan are estate litigation lawyers who often deal with Power of Attorney and End of Life issues.
What would happen if… Advance care planning bestows the gift of knowledge on caregivers
Research has shown that advance care planning significantly reduces stress, depression and anxiety among family members and caregivers.
Read What would happen if… Advance care planning bestows the gift of knowledge on caregivers