When does estate planning end?
In many ways it depends on your objective.
Tax credits for seniors
There are tax credits available that can reduce your tax burden when it’s time to settle up with CRA.
7 Ways Caregivers Can Make Time for Happiness
Make time for yourself, every day!
Does caregiving cause psychological stress?
When it comes to life’s stressors, most people would put caregiving at the top of the list.
My Dad won’t go home.
How can he be ill, maintain a household and be a full time caregiver? Enough is enough already!
Doris Inc. Launches New Website
Shirley Roberts, author of Doris Inc. announces new website.
Elder Abuse – a true solution with Dr. Sandra Campbell
Dr. Sandra Campbell discusses strategies to address elder abuse and the effects of ageism. Her call to action: Seniors, capable adults, should have all the rights and privileges accorded other functioning adults.
The ABC’s of Active and Healthy Living for Disabled Rural Adults – 2013
These 8 workshops focused on educating rural disabled adults about the importance of being as active and healthy as possible.
Read The ABC’s of Active and Healthy Living for Disabled Rural Adults – 2013
The ABC’s of Golf for Women Caregivers – 2013
Cardinal Golf Club hosted part 1 of our Golf program. Watch our tutorial videos!