Chronicles of Caregiving: It’s Complicated!

As caregivers we set impossibly high standards for ourselves.

Read Chronicles of Caregiving: It’s Complicated!

Are you betting on an inheritance to solve your money problems?

We’ve become a nation of waiters.

Read Are you betting on an inheritance to solve your money problems?

Mother with dementia ‘warehoused,’ daughter says

Dementia patient, 84, spent countless hours in hospital hallways, daughter says

Read Mother with dementia ‘warehoused,’ daughter says

Dementia epidemic looms by 2050

London G8 summit to focus attention on global problem increasingly impacting developing countries.

Read Dementia epidemic looms by 2050

Caring for the Caregivers

Developing cultural risk management strategies to meet the needs of residents and caregivers.

Read Caring for the Caregivers

Dementia developing at later ages, U.S. study shows

People with dementia do a parachute exercise in the Bronx. A new study shows the age of those getting dementia seems to be getting higher. (Jim Fitzgerald/Associated Press)

Read Dementia developing at later ages, U.S. study shows

Depression in Older Adults and the Elderly

As you grow older, you face significant life changes that can put you at risk for depression.

Read Depression in Older Adults and the Elderly

Marijuana grow-op found in basement of New Brunswick special care home for seniors.

It is difficult to understand how marijuana could be grown undetected in a facility that cares for the elderly.

Read Marijuana grow-op found in basement of New Brunswick special care home for seniors.

Physical Fitness and Our Aging Population

Regular exercise & better eating habits is the way to go if you want to live a healthier life.

Read Physical Fitness and Our Aging Population

Elder Abuse 101

D/Sgt Leslie Raymond shares the legal definition of elder abuse and the role of the police in elder abuse cases.

Read Elder Abuse 101