Meet Joan McDonald
Joan is an RN and has dedicated her career to helping families and the aging to improved health, care and access to support services and networks.
Lest We Forget?
Is this really how we want to treat our Veterans? Another strike on caring for Canadian seniors.
Old People Get Lonely – Call More Often!
Even if you think you call a lot, call more!
Aging population sparks opportunity in home care
The private sector home-care business is much different from institutionalized health care.
Most boomers don’t want to move from their homes in retirement, poll finds
A decision to move out of their home was most often due to a change in their health – 66 per cent – rather than for downsizing reasons.
Read Most boomers don’t want to move from their homes in retirement, poll finds
Caregivers in Canada 2012
In 2012, about 8.1 million individuals, or 28% of Canadians aged 15 years and older, provided care to a family member or friend with a long-term health condition, disability or aging needs.
Supreme Court clarifies end-of-life process.
The ruling provides much-needed clarity on the end-of-life issue.
Stop the Abuse Before It Happens: Tips & Strategies for Safeguarding Your Money & Assets
Linda Alderson explains the record keeping responsibilities when looking after someone’s money, and what someone should expect when they hand the day-to-day management of their money & property to someone else.
Read Stop the Abuse Before It Happens: Tips & Strategies for Safeguarding Your Money & Assets
Live One Hour Rogers TV Show with Mary Bart
Mary Bart, Chair of Caregiving Matters is going to be the special guest on Rogers TV show called: “In the Know” on Wednesday October 9, 2013 from 2:00 – 3:00 pm. Her topics for the show include: 1. Caregiver Demographics 2. Consequences of caregiving 3. Caregiving balance or burnout 4. Dealing with Guilt 5. …