Why You Need a Financial Power of Attorney
Advanced planning will ensure investments are protected if a parent’s mind starts to ail, avoiding potential problems and family fights.
Caring for the Caregiver: Being a Warrior of Meek
Lao Tzu is reminding us that everyone who steps into the shoes of a healer/caregiver is also stepping into a leadership role.
Hip Fractures in Older Women are Deadly: USA Study
Hip fractures cause substantial short- and long-term disability as well as increased mortality.
Vitamin C and Beta-Carotene May Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
Getting more vitamin C may help prevent Alzheimer’s.
Read Vitamin C and Beta-Carotene May Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
Caregiver Heroes Program – We have new things to give away in the GTA
Do you know any family caregivers that you think are heroes?
Read Caregiver Heroes Program – We have new things to give away in the GTA
Toronto contractor who “preyed” on senior given jail sentence and $215,000 restitution order
“Singer’s conduct was despicable and he has demonstrated no remorse for it” said Superior Court Justice Hainey
Read Toronto contractor who “preyed” on senior given jail sentence and $215,000 restitution order
My parents are acting like 2 year olds.
Their childish behave should not be tolerated.
End of life decisions: Nelson Mandela’s condition described as ‘perilous’
Disputes about when to discontinue life support add unnecessary misery to the dying process.
Read End of life decisions: Nelson Mandela’s condition described as ‘perilous’
5 Tips for Keeping Aging Parents in their Own Homes and Avoiding Premature Nursing Home Placement
Aging Experts’ Tips to Avoid Premature Nursing Home Placement