Seniors who help older seniors a ‘tremendous skilled resource’

More and more people over 60 are signing up to help older seniors

Read Seniors who help older seniors a ‘tremendous skilled resource’

Self-care is not selfish: Understanding preparatory grief and making plans for you

Preparatory grief is the process we go through when we are losing a loved one to a progressive, degenerative and ultimately fatal disease. It is different from the grief people experience when a loved one dies, in that it requires constant adjustments to ongoing changes and losses.

Read Self-care is not selfish: Understanding preparatory grief and making plans for you

6 inspiring stories of reinvention after the age of 60

From launching an acting career at the age of 60 to becoming a latter-day track and field star, Canadians are redefining what it means to be a senior citizen.

Read 6 inspiring stories of reinvention after the age of 60

Stopping Elder Abuse

Caregiving Matters is partnering with The 50+ Festival this year and hosting a full day of elder abuse awareness presentations. Join us in preventing elder abuse!

Read Stopping Elder Abuse

Experience 12 Minutes In Alzheimer’s Dementia

Take a look at this video, do you think it represents Dementia correctly?

Read Experience 12 Minutes In Alzheimer’s Dementia

Seniors and social media: more than keeping up with the grandkids

CBC: Online communication can have health benefits for older Canadians

Read Seniors and social media: more than keeping up with the grandkids

Role Reversal

As our parents age, many of us find ourselves in the difficult position of parenting our parents, and the challenge is to do so while always respecting their dignity, remaining sensitive to their abilities and understanding their need for control

Read Role Reversal

Caregiver Burn Out: Caring and Not Collapsing

Caroline Tapp-McDougall, Editor, Chair of Canada Cares discusses Caregiver Burnout – what it is, how to recognize it, and how to cope.

Read Caregiver Burn Out: Caring and Not Collapsing

For seniors, losing driver’s licence like having ‘arm cut off’

CBC: Next to young male drivers, people aged 70 or older have highest accident rate

Read For seniors, losing driver’s licence like having ‘arm cut off’

Feeling Used and Abused

What would she do if you did not live close by? It would be all on her shoulders to manage won’t it?

Read Feeling Used and Abused