When Can I Start Acting As Attorney for Property?
Recently, several clients have asked us: “I am my mother/father/aunt/uncle’s attorney for property. He/she is having problems remembering things, or has become sick. When do I start acting?” While this seems like a simple question, it is not always clear, and can sometimes be difficult for an appointed attorney to determine.
Protecting Yourself
Joan McDonald RN, CareConnect & The Care Guide discusses how a caregiver can protect him or herself from stress, anxiety, and fatigue.
Avoiding slips and falls: Safety and independence in the bathroom
Maintaining independence and safety with self-care activities such as personal grooming, bathing and toileting can help promote living independently in the community.
Read Avoiding slips and falls: Safety and independence in the bathroom
News Release – Helping Families Care for Sick Loved Ones
If passed, the legislation would allow caregivers to focus their attention on what matters most — providing care and support to their loved ones — without the fear of losing their job.
Read News Release – Helping Families Care for Sick Loved Ones
Podcast: Mary and Chris talk to Dr. Gordon Atherley on Family Caregivers Unite
Mary Bart and Chris Kata of Caregiving Matters, talk with Dr. Gordon Atherley about being caregivers and the charity.
Read Podcast: Mary and Chris talk to Dr. Gordon Atherley on Family Caregivers Unite
The squeaky wheel: Why and when do you need an advocate?
Asking relevant questions and reviewing information to make sure your voice and the opinion of your loved one are heard can be more difficult than you think.
Read The squeaky wheel: Why and when do you need an advocate?
Congratulations, you’re the executor! Now what?
How honoured you are to be considered as their executor. But wait a minute—what does the role actually involve?
Sudbury Ontario adds anonymous tip line to ‘rat out’ unfit elderly motorists
In what a seniors advocate calls unfair targetting of older people, Sudbury police are urging residents to anonymously report elderly motorists they feel are no longer fit to drive.
Read Sudbury Ontario adds anonymous tip line to ‘rat out’ unfit elderly motorists
Caring for the Dying
Dr. Natasha Zajc MD, CCFP, ABHPM, Chair – PalCare Network for York Region discusses how to care for the dying.
Late-stage dementia: A long journey of care
For patients living with dementia and families coping with the challenges facing their loved one, many questions have to be addressed by knowledgeable and compassionate healthcare providers.