Caregiver Heroes

There are only four types of people in this world:

  1. Those who have been caregivers
  2. Those who are currently caregivers
  3. Those who expect to be caregivers
  4. Those who will need a caregiver

We believe that family caregivers are very important and deserve greater recognition and appreciation by our society. They take care of our families and do many amazing heroic acts. Family caregivers help with household duties, take family members to medical appointments, shopping, help with dressing, hygiene and many more tasks. Caregivers often have great stress, assume extra financial burdens and burnout issues.

Our Caregiver Heroes Program is dedicated to appreciating, acknowledging and simply “thanking” them for all they do.

We have partnered with a local Toronto high end retailer of home goods and furnishings to give gifts to family caregivers caring for ill family members. If you are or know of a family caregiver, please send us an email to nominate a family caregiver to receive a free gift. We would like to publically thank them and offer them a free gift and a certificate of appreciation for their heroic efforts.

You can email me directly at to tell us about a family caregiver that you believe is a hero.

Meet Some Caregiver Heroes

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