Lessons Learned from the ancient book of wisdom; The Toa Te Ching: Verse Forty
The returning is the movement of the Tao The weak is the utilization of the Tao
The myriad things of the world are born of being Being is born of non-being
Lao Tzu
These simple four lines share a very profound recipe for contentment. During some portion of each day turn your thoughts to your higher power so that you can reconnect with your source and nurture your spirit. Staying in close touch with the Universe enhances your ability to recognize and communicate with the earth and celestial angles sent as heavenly compasses to assist with keeping you on your path.
The practice of daily reconnection with your source will anchor your faith, validate your courage and keep you humble as your sense of the magnitude of the Great Oneness grows stronger. You will find yourself taking small but steady steps away from ego-based neurosis towards sanity and a peaceful mind.
Respectfully submitted by:
Phyllis Quinlan, PhD, RN-BC www.mfwconsultants.com mfwconsultants@gmail.com 718 661 498 http://www.linkedin.com/in/phyllisquinlan