Hip Fractures in Older Women are Deadly: USA Study

Hip fractures cause substantial short- and long-term disability as well as increased mortality.

Read Hip Fractures in Older Women are Deadly: USA Study

5 Tips for Keeping Aging Parents in their Own Homes and Avoiding Premature Nursing Home Placement

Aging Experts’ Tips to Avoid Premature Nursing Home Placement

Read 5 Tips for Keeping Aging Parents in their Own Homes and Avoiding Premature Nursing Home Placement

The ball’s in your court: Taking a closer look at the benefits of exercise

Want to have fun, feel great, have more energy and live longer?

Read The ball’s in your court: Taking a closer look at the benefits of exercise

CBC: Woman, 90, takes birthday stroll atop CN Tower

Betty Convery celebrated her 90th birthday by performing the Edge Walk, the hair-raising walk atop Toronto’s CN Tower, 365 metres above the ground.

Read CBC: Woman, 90, takes birthday stroll atop CN Tower

The Top 5 Regrets of The Dying

It’s not surprising to see what made the list as they are all things that touch each of our lives as we struggle to pay attention to and make time for things that we truly love

Read The Top 5 Regrets of The Dying

Seniors who help older seniors a ‘tremendous skilled resource’

More and more people over 60 are signing up to help older seniors

Read Seniors who help older seniors a ‘tremendous skilled resource’

6 inspiring stories of reinvention after the age of 60

From launching an acting career at the age of 60 to becoming a latter-day track and field star, Canadians are redefining what it means to be a senior citizen.

Read 6 inspiring stories of reinvention after the age of 60

Seniors and social media: more than keeping up with the grandkids

CBC: Online communication can have health benefits for older Canadians

Read Seniors and social media: more than keeping up with the grandkids

For seniors, losing driver’s licence like having ‘arm cut off’

CBC: Next to young male drivers, people aged 70 or older have highest accident rate

Read For seniors, losing driver’s licence like having ‘arm cut off’

I want to go home, to my real home!

“Many seniors give into their adult children’s wishes too much. They see us as weak and easy to persuade.”

Read I want to go home, to my real home!