Desperate Sisters do Desperate Things!

Would you hire her if she were not your sister?

Read Desperate Sisters do Desperate Things!

My parents are acting like 2 year olds.

Their childish behave should not be tolerated.

Read My parents are acting like 2 year olds.

I have been asked to speak at my aunt’s funeral.

Pick a theme to talk about.

Read I have been asked to speak at my aunt’s funeral.

Feeling Used and Abused

What would she do if you did not live close by? It would be all on her shoulders to manage won’t it?

Read Feeling Used and Abused

I want to go home, to my real home!

“Many seniors give into their adult children’s wishes too much. They see us as weak and easy to persuade.”

Read I want to go home, to my real home!

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Do you remember this expression from when we were kids? Well, my brother is the liar.

Read Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Managing Dad’s Finances

My question is about money. I know I spend some of my own money on things for him and forget to ask him for the money.

Read Managing Dad’s Finances

Driving Me Crazy

I am so worried for my Dad. He is 83 and still driving. How can I persuade him to give up driving? It would be safer for him and everyone in his town.

Read Driving Me Crazy

My Mother-in-Law is Dying

Is that how people will remember you, on your death bed?

Read My Mother-in-Law is Dying

I feel so alone.

I try and take care of my parents and there are many times when I wish I could share what is happening to them and me with my husband. He does not want to hear anything about what is going on.

Read I feel so alone.