Caregivers matter!

Does the public understand the importance of caregivers?

Read Caregivers matter!

Caring for the Caregiver: Stop, Look & Listen

Take small but steady steps away from ego-based neurosis towards sanity and a peaceful mind.

Read Caring for the Caregiver: Stop, Look & Listen

Men who care Unique challenges, unique solutions

Many of us imagine the average family caregiver as a middle-aged woman looking after her father or mother, who perhaps lives in the next town over or even in the same house. But this is 2014 and that picture has changed.

Read Men who care Unique challenges, unique solutions

Mental health report warns of caregiver stress, suicide rates.

A new study aims to “paint a fuller picture of mental health in Canada.”

Read Mental health report warns of caregiver stress, suicide rates.

Coming home to mobility issues

Falls are the leading cause of injury death among adults over 65.

Read Coming home to mobility issues

Congratulations-It’s a Girl!

As baby boomers become the caregivers to their parents and become seniors themselves, we can expect more attention and discussion on how to deal with changing family dynamics.

Read Congratulations-It’s a Girl!

Life after caregiving.

Caregiving is an emotional roller-coaster ride and will continue to be even after the caregiving journey ends.

Read Life after caregiving.

Caring for the Caregiver: The Power of Perspective

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” Mohandas Gandhi

Read Caring for the Caregiver: The Power of Perspective

7 Mistakes caregivers make

I understand why caregivers push themselves to the edge. When you love someone, you try, you make mistakes, you deal with others’ mistakes … and you have no idea how it will all work out. But here are a few caregiving mistakes you can avoid.

Read 7 Mistakes caregivers make

Recognizing the Signs of Holiday Depression in Older Adults

Learn the Signs of Depression in Seniors.

Read Recognizing the Signs of Holiday Depression in Older Adults