Only love can break a heart, part 2.
As a family unit we join hands and do the best we can.
Caregivers choice: Life or death.
Meet Bob Harrison. He is a new regular contributor to our website. Each month we will feature one of his amazing articles about his caregiving to his wife Annie.
Anticipatory grief: Half heaven, half heartache.
Annie and I were busy planning our future, and retirement. So full of promise, hope, and love. Then life played a dirty little trick on us.
Having The Last Word
The SOB you may recall is not to be remembered that way and instead, leadership qualities that you may never have known existed, are highlighted.
Dad’s ashes can be divided up, if the children prefer that option: Ethically Speaking
The process of dividing ashes does not have to be distasteful.
Read Dad’s ashes can be divided up, if the children prefer that option: Ethically Speaking
When caregiving ends
Caregivers cannot be caregivers forever. Getting “back on track” is difficult but vital after a loss.
Mental health report warns of caregiver stress, suicide rates.
A new study aims to “paint a fuller picture of mental health in Canada.”
Read Mental health report warns of caregiver stress, suicide rates.
Supreme Court allows doctor-assisted suicide in specific cases.
The Supreme Court’s ruling revisited the controversial and emotional issue of assisted suicide.
Read Supreme Court allows doctor-assisted suicide in specific cases.
Life after caregiving.
Caregiving is an emotional roller-coaster ride and will continue to be even after the caregiving journey ends.
Recognizing the Signs of Holiday Depression in Older Adults
Learn the Signs of Depression in Seniors.
Read Recognizing the Signs of Holiday Depression in Older Adults