Hospice: The Gentle Goodbye
She was entrusting me to help her live her last days in comfort and dignity.
Visiting a dying friend.
Let me congratulate for your making the effort to visit your dying friend.
David Silver, 78, dies on porch after hospital release on -37 C night
Winnipeg senior released from hospital in slippers, given cab slip to get home
Read David Silver, 78, dies on porch after hospital release on -37 C night
Couple’s double suicide underscores struggles for elderly
Suicides becoming more common among elderly, mental health experts say.
Read Couple’s double suicide underscores struggles for elderly
Post-death Care at Home as Extended Caregiving
Most people want to die at home.
Canadians 65+ have highest suicide rate of any group in the country
Adults 65 and older who commit suicide have made two to four previous attempts.
Read Canadians 65+ have highest suicide rate of any group in the country
I have been asked to speak at my aunt’s funeral.
Pick a theme to talk about.
Self-care is not selfish: Understanding preparatory grief and making plans for you
Preparatory grief is the process we go through when we are losing a loved one to a progressive, degenerative and ultimately fatal disease. It is different from the grief people experience when a loved one dies, in that it requires constant adjustments to ongoing changes and losses.
Read Self-care is not selfish: Understanding preparatory grief and making plans for you
Coping with loss: Tips for yourself and others
Loss is an inevitable part of life and coping with it is always a painful. At times, it can be an excruciating experience. However, with the help of ourselves, family and friends, we can learn to cope more effectively.