Coping with Strength Support, a 4 week online series.

Eleanor Silverberg

There is a new 4-week online series combining training & support to address adversity and loss that may be of interest to you.

Here are the details:

Oct. 29 – Nov. 19, 2020; +  Mindfulness BONUS Nov. 26th

6:30 – 8:00 pm    


Facilitated by:  Eleanor Silverberg, BA Psych, MSW, RSW

Eleanor is a Dementia/Caregiving/Grief Specialist, founder of Jade Self Development Coaching and the author of “Keeping It Together, How to Cope as a Family Caregiver”.


In this series you will:

~ Learn how to apply the 3-A Coping Framework that Eleanor developed called:

“ Acknowledge, Assess, Assist”         

~ Get Empowered by Self Monitoring with Self Awareness

~ Obtain Strategies to Fill Up Your Coping Tool Box


50% Introductory Offer! Limited to 6 Participants, Reserve your Space!

To Learn More, Go to:  

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