Get Set, Connect!

Aura Aberback / Fruitman
Aura Aberback/ Fruitman


Spring into action, get on the go

Explore Canada, its beauty in tow

Find your glow, as you branch out and grow

Move east to west, see sand touch snow


Embark on a journey, experience the unique

Pleasures to be had, treasures to seek

How about a month, or at least a week

Once you start, you’ll catch the travel streak


Not sure where to go, what to spend on fare?

Group trips save money, research, compare

Safety in numbers, common interests to share

And a perfect excuse, “I need a new wardrobe to wear!”


Journey alone, or ask a friend

To join in wonder, how people blend

Wander about, allow time to transcend

Celebrate your outing, applaud, commend


Select excursions, challenging and new

Choose ten activities, or one to pursue

Expand life skills, amongst a fresh crew

Takes but one trek, to change a life view


Instantaneous photos, too easy tis true

Use regular mail, a concept few do

Send a postcard, as you sail on through

The art of surprise, now think: who to?


The value of movement, and its lasting effect

Improved well-being, and a chance to detect

The locals, the culture, a newfound respect

Enjoy sounds and sights, take time to reflect


Excited to tour, this unknown subject

Eager to engage, inquire, protect

Ignite, inspire, trade, collect

Make plans, gear up, get set, connect!

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